Benefits of caregivers accompanying seniors to medical appointments

Across Canada there continues to be a growing demand in home care for the elderly. Receiving care from a home care company is understandably a preferred option for many, as it allows a person to continue living in their own home and retain their independence. Home caregivers can provide assistance with a whole range of activities to support and improve the quality of life of elderly people. Many home care companies can also provide caregivers that can accompany clients on appointments outside of the home environment too.

Seniors receiving care at home will still often need to attend outside appointments, such as medical visits, physical therapy sessions or dental check-ups. Often the case, they will also need a family member to be with them for these appointments. Situations occur where family members simply cannot take time off work to accompany their loved ones; this is where home caregivers can step in to help out. Here we look a little closer at the benefits of using home caregivers in these situations.

Enhanced Safety

Caregivers can ensure that clients get safely to and from their health and medical appointments. They can be there to assist seniors that have mobility issues and help out to arrange suitable transportation to and from the destination. Large medical facilities can often be overwhelming to navigate for elderly people, and having a caregiver be there to guide them brings great comfort and less stress.

Emotional Support

Attending any kind of medical appointment can cause worry and anxiety; the presence of a familiar person to sit with and talk to can significantly reduce this. A caregiver’s companionship is invaluable for many seniors waiting for their health appointment, especially if there are potentially long wait times. Just knowing that a caregiver is there can make any health or medical appointment more tolerable for an elderly person.

Communication and Advocacy

At health and medical appointments, effective communication between a senior and their healthcare providers is vital. When needed, a caregivers can help articulate the client’s needs and concerns to ensure that they receive the appropriate care. Additionally, a caregiver can also make note of any advice and instructions the health provider gives to a client. This helps ensure that after the appointment these are understood and followed correctly.

Care compliance

When a family member cannot take time out to accompany a loved one, the health or medical appointment may be cancelled or postponed. Both can have ramifications further down the line for an elderly person, especially if their health condition is being closely monitored by health professionals. Having the option of having a caregiver as a medical escort means that seniors are more likely to adhere to appointment schedules and follow-up care.

Other outside activities

It is not just health and medical appointments – home caregivers can also play an integral part in a senior person’s other outside life activities. Going for walks, visits to the grocery store and attending community groups are just some examples of where caregivers can accompany seniors. Caregivers can provide care, support and companionship in these situations and help make these away from home experiences more enjoyable.


Elderly people often have numerous appointments outside the home that are crucial for maintaining their health and quality of life. When family members are not available, attending these appointments alone can be daunting. Mobility issues, lack of confidence and anxiety are just a few of the challenges they face when facing making visits outside their home. This is where the presence of a caregiver becomes invaluable. Having home caregivers as an alternative solution in accompanying elderly clients to appointments is beneficial for a number of reasons. This includes a person’s safety, emotional well-being, companionship and compliance in receiving health and medical care when needed.

A Selectacare home caregiver can be there as a medical escort to accompany and support you or a loved one to health and medical appointments. We can also be there for you for other activities you want to attend outside the home. Call us today to find out more!

Signs that a family caregiver may need extra help

Being a caregiver for a family member can be extremely rewarding and create an even closer relationship with that loved one. On the other hand, the constant pressure of being caregiver can often be exhausting, which can lead to stress and frustration, and subsequently to guilt and sadness. Many caregivers often experience burn-out, a situation where both their mental and physical health begin to suffer. This can leave the caregiver feeling unable to cope with their task in effectively performing care duties.

Recognizing when a caregiver needs help and support is crucial for both their well-being and that of the person being looked after. In this article we look at some of the common tell-tale signs that a caregiver is being overwhelmed by their role and may need some help and support…

Physical exhaustion

Being physically exhausted is one of the most common signs that a caregiver is not coping well. If a caregiver appears constantly tired and is experiencing frequent or recurring illnesses, these are both clear indicators that their body is under too much stress. Caregiving can be very physically demanding, involving lifting and moving activities. Ignoring the signs that a caregiver is physically exhausted can lead on to more serious health issues.

Emotional burnout

If a caregiver finds themselves feeling emotionally drained, isolated, stressed and anxious, they may well be experiencing emotional burnout. Caregiving can be draining on someone’s mental well-being. This can lead on to feelings of frustration, sadness, and even resentment for the person being looked after. It is essential that caregivers keep a check on their mental well-being and acknowledge and address any issues arising.

Self neglect

Many caregivers can easily slip into the pattern of putting their loved ones’ needs above their own. When this happens their personal health and well-being begin to suffer. Common signs of this include the caregiver skipping meals, neglecting exercise, neglecting their appearance and sacrificing sleep. If a caregiver is not taking care of their own basic needs, it’s a sign that they need help. Maintaining self care is a necessity for being able to care for others.


Social isolation can quickly creep up on caregivers as they devote more and more of their time to caregiving duties. Over time they can lose touch with friends and other family members, miss social events and feel very much disconnected from their community. All of these are red flags that the caregiver is becoming isolated. Being isolated has a hugely negative impact on mental wellbeing. Maintaining social connections and engaging in activities outside the care environment is essential.

Irritability and anger

When a caregiver finds themselves becoming increasingly irritable and angry, it’s a sure sign that things are not right and that they are becoming overwhelmed in their care duties. Of course, having these feelings can cause the caregiver resentment and affect their relationship with the person being cared for, as well as with other family members. It’s important for caregivers to recognize the signs that they are not coping emotionally, and to seek out help and support.

Work performance decline

Many caregivers will try to balance their care duties alongside any employment they have. This can be particularly challenging and can lead to any combination of the tell-tale signs listed above. When a caregiver cannot cope, there is often a marked notice in their levels of work performance and in increased absenteeism. Luckily, many employers now offer support programs for their employees who are also caregivers.

Health Problems

Both physical and mental health issues only get worse if not addressed. Common unaddressed health issues caregivers often complain about include frequent headaches, back and joint pain, as well as high blood pressure. These health issues can easily escalate to much more serious conditions if not addressed. It is essential that caregivers continue to practice self care by going for regular check-ups with their healthcare provider.


These are the main signs that all is not well with a caregiver, and that they need help and support. Too often caregivers put their own needs second to the person they are caring for. Ignoring their own physical and mental health can lead to burnout, resulting in them not being able to affectively provide their care duties. Seeking assistance is not a sign of failure but a necessary part of being an effective and compassionate caregiver.

At Selectacare we understand how passionate and dedicated family caregivers are. When needed, we can also be there to assist in caregiving for your loved one at any level required. Why not talk to us today to see how we can help both you and the person you are caring for.

Why older people want to retain independent living

As people age, the desire to retain their independence and live in their own home becomes more and more important. Being independent in their own home, surrounded by their personal belongings, provides older people with huge comfort and security. Maintaining independence whatever life throws their way, gives them purpose and provides a feeling of pride and self-worth. Living an independent life means that an elderly person can still decide what they want to do and how they live their life. It provides great dignity to an individual and does not make them feel like a burden to their families.

Let us take a look at 6 main factors why older people choose to retain independent living…

1: Autonomy and control

One of the primary reasons older people wish to live independently is the value they place on autonomy. Autonomy represents the ability to make one’s own decisions and manage daily activities without, or with minimal, reliance on others. This control over personal life choices is deeply linked to an individual’s sense of identity and self-worth. Losing this control can lead to feelings of helplessness and depression. Continuing to live independently allows elderly people to carry on shaping their lives according to their own preferences, routines, and values.

2: Personal Dignity

Naturally, maintaining personal dignity is another crucial factor in choosing independent living. Many older people do not want to become a burden on their family members or be seen as incapable or vulnerable. Independent living helps preserve a person’s dignity by allowing them to continue performing tasks and engaging in activities that provide them with a sense of accomplishment and usefulness. In turn, these positive feelings contribute greatly to maintaining self-esteem and mental well-being.

3: Health and well-being

Remaining physically and mentally healthy is top priority for many older people; having an independent lifestyle can have positive effects on both of these. Undertaking daily household chores and errands, maintaining a garden or outside space, engaging in daily activities they enjoy, all contribute to physical and mental stimulation. Older people living independently will mostly take responsibility for their own health needs and choose a lifestyle that benefits their health. They will also be more proactive planning and managing medical appointments and following any medication schedules they have been prescribed.

4: Social connections

Being in their own home and remaining in a familiar environment allows older people to maintain any social connections and community ties they have. They know their neighbours, have friends nearby, maybe even participate in local groups and community organizations. These social ties are incredibly important and hold immense value for older people. Healthy social interaction is vital to maintaining mental and emotional well-being, as well as providing a feeling of belonging. Moving away from independent living to a new environment often brings disruption and uncertainly to social connections, which can lead to feelings of isolation and depression.

5: Finances

Remaining financially independent and not being a burden on anyone is often a major concern for the elderly. Many of these individuals will have worked their entire lives accumulating enough funds on which they can comfortably retire. Living independently in their own home will often be the most cost-effective solution to the expensive alternatives of retirement homes and assisted living facilities. Remaining in their own homes, already familiar with the expenses of doing so, provides older people with great security and peace of mind. They know what funds they have, and if needed they can adjust their lifestyles accordingly to meet any restraints.

6: Technology

Many technologies now make independent living much easier. For example, mobility systems such as stairlifts and scooters, and adjustable chairs and beds. Online innovations that allow older people to connect with others quickly and easily: accessing virtual health care appointments, being able to instantly communicate face to face with family and friends and shop online for anything you could possibly think of. All of these technology tools can contribute to making independent living much easier and comfortable for older people.

Closing thoughts…

It is not surprising that older people choose to remain independent in their own homes. There are huge benefits being in a familiar, comfortable and secure environment, being in charge of your own decisions and following a lifestyle and activities you enjoy. Living an independent life can also provide major positive impact on both mental and physical wellbeing. It also allows an individual to retain their dignity, self worth and value in society. Using technological advancements, older people of all ages can continue being independent and live well in their own homes whilst remaining connected to the outside world.

Selectacare helps older people continue living independently in their own homes by providing a range of comprehensive home care services. Contact us on the numbers shown below to see how we can make a difference to your day!


The importance of home carers building good relationships with clients.

When it comes to home care, the relationship between carer and their client forms the foundation that facilitates delivery of effective, compassionate, and personalized care. Think for a moment – having a complete stranger in your own home would be uncomfortable enough for you, but when that person you do not know is also there to help you wash and get dressed, well it could be extremely distressing for you.

Reputable home care companies know how essential it is to provide clients with home carers that are friendly, empathic and naturally caring. Home carers that can quickly create a trusting bond with clients helps them in performing their duties more effectively and more satisfactorily for the client. In this article we look deeper into the importance of fostering a strong and positive relationship between home carer and client, and the impact that has on the overall quality of care that is provided.

Establishing trust

The fundamental element of home care is establishing trust. A client has to feel both secure and comfortable with their carers, knowing that they can trust them with all aspects of maintaining their well-being. Trust is of course not built overnight, but achieved through a process of consistent interactions where the client feels respected, cared for and at ease. As the trust relationship grows, clients will feel more comfortable sharing information with their carer, such as their needs, preferences, and concerns.

Creating more personalized care

As the client opens up to their carer, communicating their own needs, the carer is then able to model a more individualized care plan that works better for that client. Everyone is different, and what works for one client may not be best for another. As the carer/client relationship evolves, carers will become familiar with their client’s likes, dislikes and habits. The client may also divulge aspects of their past life, which could provide valuable insight into why they react in a certain way. Information gathered by the carer will help them provide a personalized care plan that is both effective and satisfying for the client.

Enhancing emotional and mental well-being

Beyond the physical care they provide, a home carer can play a crucial role in supporting the emotional and mental well-being of their client. Many individuals receiving home care services may also be experiencing feelings of isolation, loneliness, or anxiety. A carer who takes the time to build a genuine relationship and create trust with their client can additionally provide much-needed companionship and emotional support. The carer then becomes more than just a service provider, but a person who actually really cares about their client’s wellbeing. The power of human connection cannot be underestimated: it can significantly improve a client’s overall quality of life and give them a sense of belonging.

Encouraging cooperation and participation

A positive relationship between carer and client will definitely assist in making the client being more cooperative and open to receiving care in their own home. The client will have built trust with their carer and be more likely to embrace and actively participate in their care routines, including following any medical and therapeutic recommendations. A client will see the benefits the carer brings to their home in a more positive light, and that they are there to enhance their quality of life and help them to continue living independently.

It benefits the carer too!

Having a positive relationship with a client will of course bring more fulfilment and job satisfaction to a carer. They perform their home care duties day in and day out with often many different clients, so being with a client they have established a good rapport with helps makes their caregiving role easier and more manageable. Every job can be challenging and repetitive at times, but those carers who have built meaningful connections with clients will tend to be more satisfied and motivated in their roles. This of course can have a huge positive impact on the quality of care and compassion they provide.

Closing thoughts

Building and maintaining a close trusting relationship between home carer and client is fundamental in providing effective personalized care. As trust builds between client and carer, the client will feel more at ease communicating information that will help the carer provide more tailormade, compassionate care. Having a good relationship with a client can also hugely enrich a carer’s professional life by providing job satisfaction.

Selectacare is proud to have its own core team of wonderful, dedicated home carers. Our home care services are second to none, that is why we have become the preferred home care company in Toronto and surrounding region. Contact us today to find out more about we can help you or your loved one. Call us on 647 192 1770

What to expect from your home caregiver

Many people across Canada experiencing health and mobility issues due to age, a chronic health condition or recovering from surgery, choose to receive the care they need in their own homes. Being in a familiar setting to receive care, living as independently as possible, brings of course huge comfort and security. Receiving care at home is generally more cost-effective than other options too, as it can be combined with care provided by family members and friends.

If you or a loved one is considering home care services, you may be unsure about what activities home caregivers can provide. In this article we look closer at the role of home carers and how they assist with a wide variety of tasks to make life easier. Keep in mind that any home care service will be tailored to the individual needs of the person requiring care. Your chosen home care company will discuss those needs with you and prepare a unique care plan to meet those needs.

Introducing Home Caregivers

Home Carers are professionals that are fully trained and experienced in providing care services to people in their own homes. Because the client/carer relationship is of the upmost importance in providing quality personal care, reputable home care companies will always try to match an individual carer’s personality to that of the individual client.

Home Caregivers are not medical or nursing professionals, but individuals that can work alongside these service providers to assist clients with a wide range of activities to enhance quality of life. These activities include…

Personal Care:

Home caregivers can provide assistance with all types of personal care activities that can make a client feel comfortable and good about themselves, including bathing, dressing, grooming, and toileting. Home carers can help a client with walking, sitting down and standing up, as well as getting in and out of bed. When it comes to eating, home caregivers can help in meal preparation to ensure that clients eat healthy and nutritious food regularly throughout the day.

Medical Care:

Home carers can help clients adhere to any important medication schedules that have been put in place. Making sure that medicines are taken properly and on time is of course top priority in both maintaining personal health and following the road to recovery. Home caregivers can also assist clients attend medical appointments outside of the home environment, to hospitals and health clinics, and also to community centres and support groups.

Emotional and Psychological Support:

Home Caregivers often provide much needed companionship in situations where clients may feel lonely or anxious. Home carers are chosen for their warm empathic nature, which can greatly assist in helping clients to relax and calm down. Home caregivers always try to create a close bond with their clients, which in turn makes clients feel comfortable discussing any feelings or concerns they may have and participating in conversations.

Practical Assistance:

Many clients experience mobility issues and will need help with certain routine household tasks to maintain their independence and a safe and organized living environment. Home caregivers can step in to assist with a number of practical activities in the home, including undertaking light cleaning, doing the washing up and laundry, as well as running errands and helping with grocery shopping.

Respite Care:

Home caregivers can provide temporary relief for any family caregivers. Caring for relatives full time can of course become an extreme burden; having a break from care duties can hugely benefit physical and mental wellbeing. Home caregivers can of course work alongside family caregivers to help maintain the health, wellbeing and quality of lives of loved ones.

In summary…

Receiving care at home is a popular option for many Canadians, and the services provided by home care companies continues to be highly sought after. Home caregivers are specialists in providing a wide range of activities in someone’s home to help clients maintain their independence and physical and mental well-being.

Navigating home care services in Ontario

Across Ontario, many individuals will be considering using home care services to assist with their health needs – be it old age, surgery recovery, complex health need or chronic health condition. Receiving care at home is the preferred choice for many reasons – it’s convenient, more comfortable and allows an individual to maintain their independence in their own familiar living space. Receiving care at home is often the more cost-effective option too, compared to moving to a care and retirement residence.

What home care services are available?

For those interested, there are a variety of home care services available to those living in Ontario. These services include…

  • Personal Care Services: to assist with all aspects of personal care and hygiene, as well as meal preparation and practical everyday household tasks.
  • Nursing Care Services: all types of wound treatment, plus pain, medication and symptom management.
  • Physiotherapy Services: to assist in pain relief and management, as well as help with mobility recovery.
  • Occupational Therapy Services: to assist in enhancing home safety and implementation of methods to help in daily tasks.
  • Speech Therapy Services: to treat speech and language impediments and difficulties, as well as swallowing and feeding issues.
  • Nutrition and Dietetic Services: to assist with dietary issues and chronic disease management.

Are services government funded or chargeable?

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) does cover a wide variety of the home care services, but eligibility of individual cases and what care services will be provided is the responsibility of the Home and Community Care Support Services (HCCSS). Anyone resident in Ontario can apply to have their health care situation assessed by HCCSS. No referral is needed from a doctor or other healthcare provider for this to happen.

What happens if a case is eligible for care services?

If a case is successful, it is referred through to a Service Provider Organization (SPO) contracted to a local HCCSS office. The SPO will allocate a Care Co-ordinator to each case. It is their role to liaise with the client and arrange any agreed services and the frequency of these. Care Co-ordinators are also able to connect clients to any other community services they think may be suitable, such as meal service providers and day programs.

And if a case doesn’t qualify, or partially qualifies?

Qualifying for and accessing publicly funded home care services in Ontario can be difficult. If a case does not qualify for funding, or only part funding, individuals can always explore the possibility of other funding channels. These include…

  • Private insurance plans
  • Disability Tax Credit
  • Medical Expense Tax Credit
  • Canadian Caregiver Credit
  • Ontario Seniors Care at Home Credit

If funding is still not possible, or only partial funding available, individuals will have to meet the cost, or make up the difference in cost themselves for home care services. Ontario has many private home care service organizations that offer wide ranges of care services available to purchase.

Using a private Home Care Service provider

Selectacare is one of the many private home care companies in Ontario where individuals can purchase home care services. We assess each client’s home care needs on an individual bases and then put forward care plan options for the client to choose from. Selectacare can provide round the clock home care services, or top-up any existing home care frameworks that are already in place. All care plans we offer are fully adjustable to adapt to a client’s healthcare requirements.

In Summary…

Home care services are widely available across the province, with both publicly funded and private services available. All Ontario residents can request to have their home healthcare requirements assessed without any referral. Cases are assessed on an individual basis and may quality to be fully or partially funded. Where cases are turned down, or partially successful, individuals may seek out funding from private insurance plans or other tax credit plans. Where this funding is not successful, individuals have the choice of purchasing private home care health services from home health care organizations.

The role of Home Care in post-hospitalization recovery

When a patient is discharged from hospital it does not necessarily mean that they are well enough to continue life as normal, or that they do not require further treatment and care. Once a hospital episode is over, many patients back in their own homes will often require further assistance on their road to recovery and independence. Often the case, families of patients coming out of hospital are not prepared for the level of care and support needed for their loved ones.

Post hospital care that is available is often inadequate, and government funding and support can be difficult to access. This leaves family members to pick up the burden of being caregivers. At times, family caregiving can be all consuming, often making it difficult for individuals to juggle their care commitments with activities in their own lives. This can not only jeopardize the health and recovery of a patient, but that of the carer too. This is where home care companies and their specialized home care and support services can step in and help.

Where Home Care companies can help

Home care companies specialize in bringing care and support to patients in their own place of residence – be that at home, retirement place, even in hospital locations too. Their teams of fully trained and experienced caregivers can provide extensive care and support activities. These include assistance with personal grooming and hygiene, light housekeeping duties, grocery shopping, and meal preparation. In many circumstances they also provide much needed companionship as part of their work.

The services home care companies provide are not just available for those just out of hospital. Home care services are widely used across by people across Canada for chronic illness management, respite care, senior and elder care, rehabilitation and physical therapy and end of life care, for example. The services home care companies provide to individuals often run in tandem with services provided by other medical and health professionals.

Home care companies do charge for the care services that they provide, which can be met through payment plans and sometimes insurance or government support. Home care services can be provided at whatever level is required by the patient post-hospitalization. It is normal practice for home care companies to assess the care needs of each individual and then prepare a tailormade care plan for that individual.

Home care services benefit patients

Naturally, after being in hospital receiving care and support services at home can greatly benefit patients and assist them in their recovery process. Being in familiar and comfortable surroundings helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can in turn can improve mental well-being. Having care and support at home also contributes to patients being able to retain their much-valued independence.

Receiving regular care and support at home from a home care company means that the patient is kept a close eye on by the carers it provides. This means that any lapses in the patient’s health or any other complications in recovery can be quickly identified. In effect, where home care services regularly see patients, this can help prevent the risk of those patients being readmitted to hospital.

To summarize…

In summary, home care services provide an invaluable service to patients that are being discharged from hospital and who need additional care and support to recover. Receiving home care services can also compliment the other nursing and medical services that patients require in their home after hospital. Home care can assist in making post-hospitalization recovery successful and improve the overall healthcare experience for patients.

Selectacare has been providing high quality home care services for over 40 years. If you are considering using the services of a Home Care Company please get in contact with us today.

The importance of providing respite for family caregivers

Caring for someone in your family can be both rewarding and challenging. Your emotions can alternate daily from love and fulfilment being connected deeply your loved one, to stress and frustration, which can bring about guilt and sadness. On top of all that, you have your own self to look after, but often the case there simply is not any time, or you completely forget about self care. For some people, as the pressure of caregiving builds, burn out can happen as their mental well-being deteriorates.

Below we look at some more of the main difficulties that family caregivers can face…

Having to juggle multiple roles:

Many people providing care for their family members will often find it difficult to balance their care responsibilities with aspects of their own lives e.g. work, other commitments, and personal pursuits. It can be difficult getting the balance right at times, and an overwhelming juggling act that leaves you stretched thin.

Commitment to their duties:

Many family caregivers find a sense of purpose and feel fulfilled in helping their loved ones. Seeing their loved ones happy, cared for and comfortable in their own home can be incredibly satisfying. However, at times this commitment can result in a terrible feeling of guilt and betrayal if the carer finds they need some time out from their duties.

Possible physical and mental demands:

Where loved ones have limited mobility, carers will need to help them out in their daily activities, which can be physically challenging. Simple activities such as getting a loved one out of bed or helping them bathe and dress can put significant physical strains on a carer. In situations where loved ones do not have the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves, caregivers may experience mental exhaustion from being constantly vigilant and having to make those decisions.

Being financially strained:

Being a family caregiver may mean giving up work, or reducing hours, which can immediately put a strain on finances. The caregiver may also find they are now paying out extra to undertake their care duties, such as buying medicines and medical supplies, paying their loved one’s regular home expenses etc. This burden can also be on top of paying for their own expenses.

Feeling isolated and lonely:

For many, caring for a loved one can be a solitary experience, especially if there is no other support network. The burden of caregiving lies squarely on their shoulders, and they may feel it impossible to leave their loved one alone for any extended period. Over time this can lead to a sense of isolation and feeling lonely, which can affect mental well-being and lead to burn-out.

The importance of taking time out:

To help avoid all the above-mentioned pitfalls, it is essential for family caregivers to take time out for much needed self-care. This means taking planned breaks away from their loved ones and taking time to engage in activities they enjoy. Family caregivers have to make sure that their own physical and emotional needs are looked after, as this will help maintain a healthy mental well-being. Having both a healthy mind and body will only assist family caregivers be more resilient in the care that they provide to their loved one.

Where possible, family caregivers should actively seek out support from other family members and friends, even the various support groups out there that can provide advice and resources. Another avenue to explore are the services offered by home care companies. These companies specialize in proving trained and experienced carers to clients in their own homes. Carers can assist clients with numerous daily activities including maintaining personal hygiene and grooming, light housework duties and meal preparation. Carers can also accompany clients on trips outside the home and provide companionship too.

Selectacare is one of the region’s most established home care companies, having provided home care services for over 40 years. Get in contact with us today to discuss how we can help you

Questions to ask when choosing a Home Care company

Seeking out a home care company that you feel comfortable with, and trust is understandably daunting. Naturally, you will want a company that can provide the very best home care services for your loved one, but how do you differentiate between all the companies out there? They all seem to offer similar services and state that they’re the best in the business. Don’t worry, we have got you covered!

Before considering any home care company, it’s best to prepare some information in advance that you can clearly relay to them i.e. medical condition of the person needing care and what type of services you think you need. You will also need a list of pertinent questions to ask to ensure the home care company can meet your needs and provide the level of care required for yourself or your loved one. Here are some in depth questions that you may want to consider…

About their company

  • How long have you been in business and who owns the company.
  • Can they provide references from current or past clients.
  • Are they licensed, bonded, and insured.
  • What makes their company different from others.

Services offered

  • Do they offer the services you require, for example, personal care, companionship, medication management, etc.
  • Can they provide assistance with activities of daily living such as toileting, bathing, dressing, and grooming.
  • Do they offer specialized care for the condition your loved one has.
  • Are their caregivers trained to handle medical emergencies.

Caregiver Screening and Training:

  • Do they use their own team of caregivers or do they outsource to an agency.
  • How do they screen caregivers, for example background checks, references, etc.
  • What qualifications and training do their caregivers have.
  • Do they provide ongoing training for their caregivers to keep their skills and qualifications up to date.

Care Plan and Assessment:

  • Will there be an initial assessment to determine the level of care needed.
  • Can the care plan be customized to suit your loved one’s needs.
  • How often are care plans reviewed and adjusted.

Caregiver Matching and Consistency:

  • Will you have the opportunity to meet and approve the caregiver before they start providing care.
  • How do they match caregivers with clients, and can you request a change if needed.
  • Is there consistency in caregiver assignments, or will different caregivers be rotated.

Supervision and Communication:

  • How do they supervise the care provided by their caregivers.
  • Who should you contact in case of questions or concerns, and how responsive are they to communications.
  • Do they provide regular updates on the care provided.

Cost and Payment:

  • What is their pricing structure, for example hourly rates, packages, etc.
  • Are there additional fees for weekends, holidays, or specific services.
  • Do they accept insurance or offer payment plans.
  • Are you tied into any type of contract

Availability and Flexibility:

  • How quickly can services be arranged.
  • Are their services available 24/7 year-round.
  • Can care schedules be adjusted if needed.

Emergency Protocols:

  • What procedures are in place for handling emergencies.
  • How do they communicate with family members in case of an emergency.

Client Rights and Responsibilities:

  • What are the rights and responsibilities of clients and caregivers.
  • How are complaints or grievances handled?

Closing thoughts…

This is an extensive list of questions which should be able to assist you in gathering the necessary information in order to shortlist some suitable home care companies. Having all the information at hand will empower you and of help you make an informed decision that you are happy with.

If you are considering using the services of a Home Care Company, why not consider Selectacare? For over 40 years, our family run business has been providing high quality, client-focused home care services in Toronto and across the GTA. Please do not hesitate to get in contact with us today.