Mobile Foot Care Nursing

Taking care of your feet so that you remain active and healthy

In Home, Hospital or Care Residence

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Our Mobile Foot Care Nurse

From Senior Home Care to Senior Foot Care, we Selectacare offer comprehensive Senior Care options. Our Foot Care Nurses are Certified with both Basic and Advanced Diabetic Nursing Foot Care. As a reputable home care provider, we take pleasure in providing home care and foot care services to our clients in the comfort and privacy of their homes, retirement communities, hospitals, activation centers, and long-term care institutions.

Diabetes Foot Care

According to statistics from the Canadian Diabetes Association, 2.7 million persons globally are affected by diabetes. This persistent illness puts you at risk for problems like foot ulcers. A foot ulcer is any pain that is felt below the ankle and does not go away on its own. It is concerning since developing foot ulcers raises your risk of infection-a bacterial or fungal invasion that can cause damage to skin or tissue and impair quality of life.
Diabetes can lead to impaired circulation and neuropathy, or nerve damage, which raises the risk of foot ulcers, wounds, and infections. Foot care nurses educate patients about diabetic foot in addition to delivering critical treatments to improve circulation, prevent injuries, and ensure early identification and treatment of any foot-related concerns.


Common Foot Care Questions

Our goal is to keep you active and that starts with healthy feet.

Should I go to standard nail salon or Licensed Foot Care Nurse?

While our Foot Care Nurses will diagnose and treat any foot ailments, a typical nail salon will give you physical enhancements like nail polish and nail art. We’ll clip the nails and take care of any corns or calluses. In addition, we take care of your ingrown toenails to help you prevent bigger issues down the road.

What is the role of a Foot Care Nurse?

A wide range of services are provided by personal health care providers to address different health issues. Foot problems are typical problems that need for specific attention and care.

Health issues pertaining to the comfort and functionality of the feet are brought on by conditions including diabetes and arthritis. A personal foot care nurse has received specialized training to offer you or a loved one the long-term health and wellness services you require.

Why should I be worried about ulcers on my feet?

Having foot ulcers might increase your risk of infection and reduce your quality of life. Even while most foot ulcers heal on their own, they might lead to foot amputations if treatment is not received. This can mean longer hospital stays, missed work, and the need for specialized therapy.

What Dangers Are Associated with Inadequate Sterilisation?

It is evident that medical devices that have not been adequately cleansed and sterilized carry a significant risk of infection, which can be fatal.

Foot ulcers are the first sign of a lower leg or foot removal. Tissues and bone are severely damaged by an ulcer that refuses to heal. It might necessitate the surgical excision of a foot, toe, or portion of a leg. A larger risk applies to some diabetics than to others.

Ontario Best Practice Guidelines

According to BPG (Best Practice Guidelines in Ontario) practitioners like Foot Care Nurses play a vital role in maintaining high standards of infection control. Continuous education, adherence to guidelines, and regular updates to protocols are necessary to ensure patient safety.

How Our Team Follows Guidelines

Our primary focus is to prevent foot problems before they arise by implementing preventative methods. Early detection of issues including corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, and fungal infections is facilitated by routine foot examinations and maintenance.

Before autoclaving our foot care tool equipment under high pressure with hot steam, we clean any debris from the instrument’s grooves and crevices using an ultrasonic bath.

RNAO Recommendations to Enhance Quality of Life

The RNAO (Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario) aims to reduce the risk of foot care infections through comprehensive assessment especially diabetic clients. The aim is to establish Foot Care Nurses to developed and address questions on how to assess and manage people with established

Our Team's Approach to Quality of Life

Our Foot Care Nursing team seeks to enhance quality of life by reducing foot discomfort, encouraging self-sufficiency, and equipping people to take care of their feet. People can participate in activities they enjoy, keep their mobility, and feel better about themselves when their feet are pain­free and healthy.

CDC & WHO - Infection Control & Prevention

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and WHO (World Health Organization), it is crucial to follow the guidelines in controlling infections as an essential part of foot care procedures. To avoid cross-contamination and safeguard patient health, effective sterilization and disinfection methods are crucial. The risk of infections can be greatly decreased by following best practices guidelines, which include using PPE, washing your hands properly, handling sharp objects safely and proper education.

How We Ensure Strict Adherence to Infection Control

Our goal is to empower people with knowledge and self-care skills in addition to offering interventions and treatments. Patients receiving foot care nursing care are taught appropriate foot cleanliness, how to choose shoes, how to prevent problems, and how to evaluate oneself. By giving people the necessary information, we are empowering them to actively take part in maintaining the health of their feet and preventing future issues

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